Genocide in Gaza must stop.

US military must not fight for genocide, no matter how you value the unsinkable airfields around Tel Aviv.

First step to rational defense spending is to make a weapon system pass tests before buying.

If you refer to that RAND supported paper that came out several weeks ago, the conclusion is US cannot afford their ambitions for the industry.

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More than anyone else, Americans in uniform are well positioned to call for higher taxes on all of their fellow citizens. I would absolutely love to see them do so.

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Citizens are unwilling to pay higher taxes to support Medicare, a program many will actually use, why would they pay for the military?

And "the higher tax rates of yesterday" are GoodThinker equivalent of "there didn't use to be all these fags". The rates were nominally much higher; but there were way more deductions. Please note that the most effective progressive tax reform in decades was the limitation on the State and Local Tax es deduction. A reform that the "higher taxes on the rich" party wants to repeal.

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